blue screen and no 'options pop-up window'

questions about practical use of Neat Video, examples of use
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blue screen and no 'options pop-up window'

Post by Bodinsky »


I have just bought Neat Video today, so I will admit that I am a complete noob as of now. Please bear with me here.

I have a FCP X project shot on a Canon 5dMII. I am editing in ProRess 422 with 25fs with 1080p.

I had downloaded the trial, but whenever I tried to use it I just got a blue screen in my viewer, and no options to adjust anything. On the website I saw that you can only do up to 640p with the trial, so I bought the pro.

I've installed it. Now when I add it onto a clip I still get only the blue screen in my viewer. I know that I am supposed to adjust the noise profile, but I am not able to find the 'Options pop-up window' that is mentioned in the instructions.

I looked for videos online but was only able to find one for Motion (where the options was a clearly visible button), but at this point I don't feel comfortable using motion with my skill level. Also I have a deadline for this project in two days and don't have the time to teach myself.

Can anyone help?
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Post by NVTeam »

Apple acknowledged such a problem in older builds of FCP X, it shows up when a third-party plug-in is used. Please make sure you run the latest build of FCP X, update it from AppStore.

Thank you,
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