why does it take so long to render...its a great product...

resolve technical issues related to use of Neat Video
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why does it take so long to render...its a great product...

Post by sozojaxon »

i just purchased it.....render time is a killer=(
Posts: 2750
Joined: Thu Sep 01, 2005 4:12 pm

Post by NVTeam »

Generally, noise reduction is not fast because it requires a lot of computation. A lot.

How long exactly does it take on your computer?

Please post the following data: frame size in pixels, computer specs, how many frames per second does it make when rendering.

Please also open Neat Video's main window (where you build a noise profile), go to menu Tools > Preferences > Performance, click Optimize, select 1920x1080p, radius=1, then run the test and post the log from that window here.

This will help to determine if the render process on your computer is adequately fast or for some reason slower than would be expected with Neat Video for that hardware and that frame size.

Thank you,
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