Known Issues for Magix
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Resolution may be reduced by Magix (MAGIX Video Pro X and newer)
Magix may serve frames in lower resolution that the resolution of the original, depending on the resolution selected in preview of Magix itself. Neat Video normally needs to build noise profiles using the original resolution of the clip, but Magix may serve frames in lower resolution, which usually leads to inaccurate profiling and noise reduction. This issue affects both MAGIX Video Pro X (and newer) and Movie Studio 2023 / 2022 / 18.Possible workarounds:
Right-click > Resolution Presets > HDV1 720p full. This may not always work, so make sure you verify the actual resolution of the frames sent to Neat Video using the frame size indicator in the lower part of Neat Video's window.
Switch the video monitor of Magix to fullscreen mode (this forces Magix to work in full resolution). Then proceed to open Neat Video's window, verify the frame resolution using the frame size indicator in the lower part of Neat Video's window, and if it is full then build a noise profile.
Use the following steps:
- Right click on the clip in Program Monitor;
- Select Adjust video monitor to movie settings;
- If the physical monitor resolution is lower than movie resolution, then adjust zoom and position of the clip in the Program Monitor window (Ctrl+Mouse Wheel and Ctrl+Mouse drag) and move the Program Monitor window partially away from the screen to be able to work comfortably.
- Proceed to open Neat Video's window, verify the frame resolution using the frame size indicator in the lower part of Neat Video's window, and if it is full then build a noise profile.
Update: This problem has been fixed by MAGIX developers in MAGIX Video Pro X and in Movie Studio 2023 Please update these applications to the specified or newer versions.
Updated on November 24, 2022