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Best noise reduction
for digital video

Known Issues for Final Cut Pro (Second Revision plug-in)

Current Issues

The versions of FCP (Motion) compatible with this plug-in are the versions 10.5.2 and newer (Motion 5.5.1 and newer). We recommend to use these or newer versions.

  • Neat Video (SR) window is not modal: it may disappear behind FCP window
    Unlike in Standard Version of the plug-in where the window of the plug-in is modal (so you cannot switch from that window back to Final Cut without closing the window of the plug-in first), the window of Neat Video plug-in (SR) is not modal. This is a limitation of the new version of FCP and that may cause an inconvenience if the user accidentally switches to Final Cut without closing the window of Neat Video. Neat Video may disappear behind Final Cut and that may lead to a confusion.

    If you have accidentally switched to Final Cut and Neat Video's window has gone under the host application, you can bring Neat Video back in one of the following ways:

    1. Click Neat Video's icon on the Dock bar.
    2. Click the Options Window… button in Final Cut's effects panel again.
  • Slow response if skimming and background render are enabled in FCP (all versions)
    FCP with enabled skimming and background rendering may be slower to respond to user actions when a computationally-intensive filter (such as Neat Video) is added to the project. Please consider disabling skimming and/or background rendering in FCP Preferences. Alternatively, temporarily disable Neat Video itself (in FCP's panel Inspector > Video > Effects > Reduce Noise v5 (SR)) when not adjusting Neat Video's settings.

  • Frames from a joint of differently sized clips can look incorrect (FCP 10.5.2, Motion 5.5.1)
    If you join two clips of different size in a group in the timeline and then apply Neat Video to that group, then FCP / Motion can serve incorrectly looking frames in the area of the joint. That may show up in preview of FCP / Motion as well as in the final render. When you try open the Neat Video Options window in that area of the timeline, the window may not open because FCP / Motion serve incorrect frames to the plug-in.

    This seems to be caused by a bug in the current version of FCP (10.5.2) and Motion (5.5.1) and will likely be addressed by the developers of FCP and Motion in the coming updates.

  • Black frame in Motion after dragging clip in the timeline (Motion 5.5.1)
    If you apply Neat Video (SR) to a clip in Motion (5.5.1) and then drag the clip within the timeline, then the first frame of the clip becomes black.

    This seems to be caused by a bug in the current version of Motion (5.5.1) and will likely be addressed by the developers of Motion in the coming updates.

  • Scaling clip in Motion can lead to incorrect processing (Motion 5.5.1)
    If you scale a clip (or group) in Motion, then Motion can serve frames of different sizes to Neat Video during analysis and render phases, which will lead to incorrect noise reduction.

    For example, if you import an UHD clip into a FullHD project and set the clip scale to 50% to fit it to the project frame size and then apply Neat Video (or another FxPlug4-based plug-in with analysis capability) to the clip, then you will see that Motion still sends UHD frames to Neat Video (while the final render is done in lower FullHD resolution). That makes the noise reduction of Neat Video less accurate.

    This seems to be caused by a bug in the current version of Motion (5.5.1) and will likely be addressed by the developers of Motion in the coming updates.

Older Issues

  • FCP 10.6.2 and 10.6.3 may produce stutter in render results
    The versions 10.6.2 and 10.6.3 of FCP may produce stutter (uneven movement of scene/objects) in rendered/exported video when a temporal video effect (such as Neat Video) is applied. The problem seems to originate in FCP itself, as it serves incorrect frames (coming in an incorrect order) to the video effect. Then this incorrect order of frames is visible in the final results as stuttering movement of the scene/objects. We are in contact with Apple to investigate the issue and find a solution, which will likely require an update to FCP itself.

    Update: the problem has been resolved by Apple in FCP 10.6.4. Please update FCP to that version or newer.

  • Crash when hovering mouse over Neat Video (SR) thumbnail in Effects panel (FCP 10.5.2)
    If you hover with mouse cursor over the Neat Video (SR) thumbnail in the list of video Effects of Final Cut for a while, the plug-in or Final Cut may crash.

    This seems to be caused by a bug in FCP 10.5.2.

  • Filter may work less accurately if frame rates of clip and project differ (FCP 10.5.2)
    If the clips used in a project have different frame rate than that of the project itself, then FCP may serve somewhat incorrect frames to Neat Video for processing. The problem affects many components of Neat Video and can cause less accurate processing result.

    The problem seems to be caused by a bug in FCP 10.5.2.

  • Over-saturation artifacts when applied to a compound clip with a scaled clip (FCP 10.5.2)
    When the effect is applied to a compound clip with a scaled clip, Final Cut provides unexpected/incorrect data in the alpha channel to the effect and/or incorrectly interprets the data of the alpha channel returned by the effect. This then shows up in preview of Final Cut as various over-saturation artifacts.

    This seems to be caused by a bug in FCP 10.5.2.

Updated on June 11, 2024