to remember window size and zoom % in the same session?

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to remember window size and zoom % in the same session?

Post by lansing »

When I work with a HD video, I need to maximize the window size and often zoom in to check for noises. But after I click apply to exit that window, every time I want to go back to configure, the window size and zoom percentage reset again. It gets really annoying over time.
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Post by NVTeam »

Window size should be preserved in the current version of Neat Video by default.

Also, please check the settings in the General section in Neat Video Preferences. There are several options regarding window size. I guess you want the first or second option there.

Thank you,
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Post by lansing »

Good to know that such options exist, thanks. My default is option 3.

However, I found that all three options weren't doing what they say they do.

I have a 640x480 video. In option 1 where it said to not change window size and zoom %, the window size did preserved, but the zoom % was being reset to 100% every time I reopen the window.

For option 2 to adjust viewer zoom to fit frame to window, both zoom and window size were broken. Zoom % always reset back to 100% no matter what the window size is. I think that has to do with the limited zooming options it has that was bigger than 100%. And window size wasn't preserved either.

And for option 3, it didn't accommodate the window size to the whole frame. The window size was fixed at default, it's the frame that was being adjusted to fit the fixed window size. I tested on a 1440x1080 video, and the frame was shrinked to 50% zoom to fit into the window.
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Post by NVTeam »

The zoom level is not the key element of those settings and the zoom level is not generally meant to be preserved. The goal of those settings is to select the way the window of the plug-in behaves: it can either not change its size at all and just re-open in the same position and size as it did last time, or it can additionally adjust zoom level of its viewer to make frame fit into the window, or, a completely different approach - change the size of the whole window to accommodate the whole frame at 100% zoom level if possible. That is by design. Perhaps it is not ideal solution but we decided to go with 100% zoom level by default when the window is opened, unless the option to fit frame into window was used (then the zoom level was reduced accordingly).

So far this design decision has been working did not generate many negative comments from our users.

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Post by lansing »

Option 2 and 3's explanation sound reasonable. But for option 1, if zoom level is to be locked at 100%, then its description is misleading. As it stated "do not change viewer zoom and window size", which means that if I close the window at 200% zoom, the next time I open it again, I should be expecting it to stay at 200%. Maybe you would like to change the line.
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Post by NVTeam »

The meaning there is of course different than "preserve the zoom level between sessions of that window". The meaning is "do not change zoom level (from 100%) to fit the frame into the window, just keep it at 100%".

Maybe we should clarify that a bit.

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