remove compression artifacts

suggest a way to improve Neat Video
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remove compression artifacts

Post by mho »

hey guys,

first of all, i want to say thank you for your amazing software! i bought it 2 days ago and it makes alot of my footage usable again <3

iam filming on an sony a6000 and the footage (xavcs 50mbit/s) has from time to time realy big artifacts.
so i started some research and came across this software:

if you could add this functionality to your neat video software it would be christmas, easter and birthday on the same day for me :)

here a technical link on this topic:

i would defently pay the same amount again if you could add this to neat video.

best regards and keep on going with your outstanding work!
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Re: remove compression artifacts

Post by albino1 »

I was going to make a new topic, but then searched and found this thread, so I just wanted to bump and +1 it.

Often times all I really want to do with Neat Video is remove compression artifacts, especially in secondary media that's already been compressed (web content, etc). Things like walls, dark areas, etc, often times have blocky compression artifacting which I'm looking to remove.

The good news is that Neat Video already does this, the problem is that in the process it removes intentional noise along with it, like grain or texture. More specifically in my case, a lot of times when doing this it way over-smooths skin, making it look plastic or artificial like CGI or something.

Other than masking out the person I'm not sure of any good ways to leave the skin texture mostly intact while still cleaning up all the compression around them. If there's a tutorial or anything on this, or you have any suggestions, please let me know. Otherwise, consider this a feature request for either an option to only process compression artifacts, or an option to use less aggressive noise reduction on skin tones :)

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Re: remove compression artifacts

Post by NVTeam »

Thank you for the suggestions.

There is no tutorial specifically about removing artifacts but I would try to use and tune a generic profile as shown in this tutorial. This might make the noise reduction more sensitive to details and textures while reducing compression artifacts. My guess is that you lose those elements because of not very accurate noise profile.

One more idea would be to reduce the Luminance's noise reduction amount to apply less noise reduction to the details while still reducing artifacts and noise in color channels.

Hope this helps,
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Re: remove compression artifacts

Post by albino1 »

I given the Generic Profile a try a few times with hit and miss results. Sometimes it's great, and a few times it didn't work at all, but I've only tried it in very difficult scenes where creating a normal noise profile is nearly impossible. I've never thought to try it in a scene with good lighting that you can easily build a noise profile from, so I'll give that a try. Thanks for the suggestion!
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Re: remove compression artifacts

Post by albino1 »

Just wanted to update and say that your tip for reducing the noise reduction amount in Luminance only has worked really well when it comes to maintaining texture on skin tones and avoiding that plastic look. Also, adding just a touch of noise back in via Noise HLS Auto (lightness) after Neat Video cleans everything up has been helpful in some occasions as well. So thank you for pointing me in the right direction :)
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