Reduce Noise v4 in PPro seperate effect

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Reduce Noise v4 in PPro seperate effect

Post by gordonmcdowell »

I've not NV effects scattered around my project and was hoping new version would allow me to globally enable/disable them. But it looks like I need to delete the previous (v3) filters and recreate v4 filters?

Is there any tool to automate this? Or way I can disable the v3 along with globally disabling v4 ?

Globally disabling NV in v4 is a great feature. Glad you implemented it.
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Post by NVTeam »

Ideally, Premiere should offer a function to globally disable/enable/remove/replace any specific effect in a given project or sequence. Unfortunately, there is no such function in current versions of Premiere.

I am not sure the plug-in itself technically could do that work on behalf of Premiere. Moreover, recreating v4 filters would any require manual re-building noise profiles. So it is all hardly can be automated and it is probably better to just leave the old v3 in that project and use the new version 4 in the next project.

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v3 look to v4 ?

Post by gordonmcdowell »

Just throwing out work-arounds here... maybe v3 could be updated to look to v4 for the global disable? Release an updated v3 to facilitate this? No need for any new UI on v3-update.

My project doesn't expire... I'll be using the same project for years to come, and I'm not sure how I'll ever find all v3 inside it. It is a large project.

Upgrading is certainly worth the global disable going forward. It was the reason I bought v4 as soon as I could (though I'm sure processing updates will be nice).

If this can't be done let me know and I'll start replacing all v3 with v4. Just don't want to make a big task of that if possible to avoid.
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Post by NVTeam »

Global disable is a new UI and in fact quite a lot of it. You probably haven't seen it all yet, but that seemingly small function does require a lot of under-the-hood changes and many new dialogs. As far as I remember, it is also one of the causes of incompatibility of v3 vs v4 (and correspondingly new vs old projects), so if we add it to v3, that may break those old projects, which we surelly cannot afford.

I think the only good way to process with your project is to gradually replace old instances of v3 with newly added instances of v4. If you do that on a need to do basis, everything should continue to work well. Old instances of v3 will remain active and functional. When you work with a particular clip using v3, you can manually replace v3 with v4 and build a new noise profile in v4 (which is inevitable because it cannot use v3 profiles anyway, even if v4 would somehow automatically replace v3).

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Post by gordonmcdowell »

Will do. Thanks.
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