Why is there banding in video after noise removed

questions about practical use of Neat Video, examples of use
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Why is there banding in video after noise removed

Post by macleod92 »

I wanted to do a test to see if it made a difference putting neat video on to a clip before or after colour correction. I have since found out that it doesn't really, however when doing this I noted that after I applied neat video although the noise was gone, it was then replaced with some banding in the shadows.

Is there any reason for this/ something I could do to change it? Seems a bit pointless to remove one issue and replace it with another.

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Post by NVTeam »

When you remove noise, the image becomes clear and any imperfections introduced by output compression (lossy compression that encodes the final clip) become much more visible. You can manage that problem in different ways. For example, you can add some artificial noise (or leave some of the original noise unremoved) to keep the output codec busy and prevent it from creating those banding artifacts. Or you can adjust the codec settings (if that is available) to make it produce higher-quality output, lose less information and thus, again, not create those artifacts. Using a lossless output compression is an option as well if you need an intermediate file that you are going to further process in some way.

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Post by Zach »

You can eliminate most banding by leaving your videos RGB, or possibly another 4:4:4 format (YV24?) Otherwise the only way to mask it is to add noise back in to the clip like has been mentioned.

A good playback engine can actually handle banding pretty well if setup correctly, since videos are converted to RGB when played back (on a PC at least) anyway
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