No Noise reduction in laterals of the video

questions about practical use of Neat Video, examples of use
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No Noise reduction in laterals of the video

Post by mastix01 »

I am using Davinci Resolve Studio and use 99% of the time the included NR but now with a noisy night shot I wanted to try again NeatVideo. It does a good job in the center of the video but the extreme laterals the noise is horrible as it was NOT denoising enough the laterals of the image. Why is this happening. This is a drone shot with Mavic 3 mini Pro. The laterals are more noisy. I could zoom in but loose sharpness.
What can I do to improve it and get rid of the lateral noise.
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Re: No Noise reduction in laterals of the video

Post by NVTeam »

If the noise is stronger in some areas of the frame and that stronger noise is not reduced sufficiently, then it is a good idea to re-build the noise profile using a sample of noise in that area, so that the stronger noise was uses as a baseline.

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