Neat Video filter blinks on and off in playback.

resolve technical issues related to use of Neat Video
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Neat Video filter blinks on and off in playback.

Post by kingdingbat »

I'm using Neat Video 3 on a video I'm editing in Adobe Premiere Pro and it has really bad blinking problem.

Basically on playback and even after rendering an export, the neat filter makes the video blink with distortion every 5 or so frames. Reducing the Temporal Filter Threshold helped but basically negated the noise reduction altogether and the blinking was still present.

Here is a clip showing what I'm talking about: ... sp=sharing

Any ideas on what's going on?
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Post by NVTeam »

Do you run the very latest update of v3 (v3.6)? If not, please update Neat Video and check if the problem is still reproducible.
If the problem is stil present then please prepare a small test project allowing to reproduce this issue and send the project to support [at] for direct tests and analysis.

Thank you,
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Post by mathewlisett »

if you havent done this already, add a adjustment layer above your original file and place the neatvideo filter on there and see what happens ona render.
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Post by Trixter »

I'm seeing this too. Was this ever resolved? If not, I'll open up a technical support case. (I am running CS5 so I don't have the option of adding adjustment layers.)
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Post by NVTeam »

Please prepare a test case (a project allowing to reproduce the issue if we run it on our machines) and send it to support [at] for analysis.

This will also allow to check if it actually the same issue or not.

Thank you,
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Post by Trixter »

I had prepared a test project and reproducible results, and then I found the issue was not with NeatVideo at all. For the benefit of others, I'll describe what I saw, and how I determined it wasn't NeatVideo.

The problem manifested itself as some frames "blinking" with a darker appearance for N frames, where N was equal to the temporal radius setting. Because changing the radius changed the blink duration, and because removing NeatVideo solved the problem, I initially blamed NeatVideo. What was actually happening was that the blinking was caused by another filter in the chain, the Premiere "Shadows/Highlights" filter. This filter is great for fixing terrible dark exposure problems, and I use it and NeatVideo together to repair underexposed footage. However, the S/H filter has default black/white clipping settings that can get confused when there are large solid areas in the source footage with the same color. My footage had that, and NeatVideo removed noise so well that small areas ended up having the same color and that triggered the S/H "buggy" behavior.

I determined it wasn't NeatVideo by removing the S/H filter and then noticing the problem went away, which then caused me to investigate the S/H filter. The true fix was to adjust the S/H filter's black/white clip settings from their default of 0.01% to just 0%. This fixed the S/H and I can now use them together.

I've been happy with NV 4.2. It's slower than 3.x (I use it on 1080p footage GPU only) on the same hardware, but the additional options are worth the tradeoff.
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Post by NVTeam »

Thank you for sharing your resuts. I am glad you could find the cause and resolve the problem.

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