Why is Neatvideo4 is reframing a clip when applied?

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Why is Neatvideo4 is reframing a clip when applied?

Post by Deck »

Hi all...
I came across a strange issue...
When Applying neatvideo to some clips they come back in Premiere reframed...
No other plugin or effect is used on those clips..

Please help...

Correction... playing around I foun out that it does not reframe the clip, I am not even sure that is the plugin or Premiere... what happens is that the clip gets get the in and out marks changed when applying a crossdisolve at its end and gets back to the correct position when the transition is deleted...
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Post by NVTeam »

Please download and install very latest update of the plug-in and check if the problem (it is generally caused by a known bug in Premiere) is still reproducible. Please re-add the effect to that clip before checking reproducibility. If it is still reproducible please send us a small test case - a project and source clip or clips allowing to reproduce the problem on our computers.

Thank you,
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