Neat Video for AE or PP?

general questions about Neat Video
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Neat Video for AE or PP?

Post by dogadogan »

Hi everyone!

I mostly use FCPX for film editing and now I'm planning on purchasing the Neat Video plugin for FCPX. Because there is a discount when buying the plugin for two platforms, I might also buy it for either Adobe After Effects or Premiere Pro. Which one would you recommend? I know there are some issues with FCPX, so the Adobe program I would but the plugin for should be most compatible with the plugin. On the internet, I saw that some claim PP is faster when rendering, and others say that AE can max out your CPU's resources when rendering which is a better thing.

So what do you think? I look forward to your answers!

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Joined: Thu Sep 01, 2005 4:12 pm

Post by NVTeam »

The plug-in for AE and the plug-in for Premiere are the same in terms of their own performance. Their own speed does not depend on how the CPUs and GPUs are used by the host application.

The main factor in choosing between AE and Premiere should be your own preferences and workflow. I recommend to download the Demo versions of plug-in for AE and Premiere and to try to use them directly in AE and Premiere to see which one better fits into your workflow.

Thank you,
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