Problem when using 2 instances of NeatVideo v4 OFX

resolve technical issues related to use of Neat Video
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Problem when using 2 instances of NeatVideo v4 OFX

Post by miltos »

I am a long time (and very satisfied) Neat Video user.

A few days ago i upgraded to V4 OFX and using it inside BMD's Fusion 7. I have the following MAJOR issue:

I am using two NV plugins in the same comp feeding them with different footage (which i composite together later on in the comp). Temporal Filter has a radius of 2 for both. What happens is that the first NeatVideo node is outputting footage from the second NeatVideo node present in the comp even though it is fed with a completely different video!

Both NeatVideo v4 nodes are fed with 5K RED footage. I never had this issue with v3. There were comps in the past in which i had more than 3 NeatVideo v3 nodes working flawlessly simultaneously.

Another minor observation i would like to mention is that V4 OFX starts noticeably slower compared to V3.

So, I have found a workaround at the moment for the first problem but this is something that needs to be fixed!

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Post by NVTeam »

This was not reported before, a new issue, possible bug.

Could you prepare a fresh new test project with the minimum of nodes and with some smaller clips (like fullHD or even smaller) and check if that is still reproducible this way? If it is reproducible, please send us (to support [at] the test project itself so that we could set up the same test on our machines and reproduce the problem directly. Once reproducible, we can find the cause and likely fix it.

Regarding slower start of the plug-in, that most likely related to the fact v4 now asks the host application provide not just one (current) frame but also 10 adjacent frames to enable temporal processing inside NV window. So the host takes its time to prepare those input frames. When you work with 5k frames, that probably takes a few seconds.

Thank you,
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Joined: Tue Aug 18, 2015 3:08 pm

Post by miltos »

Thanks for the fast reply Vlad.

I am currently in heavy post production work and a impending deadline so i don't have the time to experiment and set up the Fusion comp for you but i will do that the soonest i can to help you fix this (if this is not resolved earlier).

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Post by NVTeam »

Sure, no problem. We will also try to reproduce this ourselves in the meantime.

Kind regards,
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Post by NVTeam »

So far we have not been able to reproduce the problem. So it looks like we will still need a test project. Please prepare it when you have time.

Thank you,
Posts: 15
Joined: Tue Aug 18, 2015 3:08 pm

Post by miltos »

Hi Vlad!

I just found some time to try and replicate the problem and it is quite easy actually! You can do it too in less than 2 minutes.

This is with NV4.0.7


Steps were:

I created a new comp.
I imported two shots (5K RED EPIC Footage). In the photo above you can see footage number one on the left Viewer and footage number 2 on the right Viewer.
I added a NeatVideov4 node after Footage n1. I Prepared the Noise Profile and Adjusted the Filter Settings.
I copied the NeatVideov4 node and pasted it under the first one. Then i fed it with footage n2. Prepared the Noise Profile and Adjusted the Filter Settings for that too.
I merged the two outputs with a rectangle mask splitting the screen in half so i could see the result of both NeatVideos simultaneously. (Result not shown in the screenshot above)

At this moment both NeatVideo nodes return a correct output.

Then i press play (SPACEBAR). Frame 1 to 5 are OK but then, at Frame 6, the first NeatVideo starts outputing the footage of the second one! You can see in the screenshot above that both NeatVideo nodes (small icons) have the same output!

I am linking the comp here in case you would like to have a look: ... .comp?dl=0

Again, this is something i have done a million times with v3 and never had this issue. I am using NeatVideo since 2010 and I am a Fusion user since 2002 so i am sure that i know what i am doing with it. :)

My hardware specs that might be relevant are:

RAM: 12 GB
GPU: GTX 770 (4GB)

In the NeatVideo preferences for performance I have selected "Use GPU". I mention this because Fusion is also using the GPU for the RED RAW debayering. (again... i have done the same with v3 without issues)

Let me know if there is something else that you need from me to assist you in pinpointing the issue.

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Post by NVTeam »

Thank you for the details. We have now been able to reproduce that in Fusion and are looking for the cause of the problem.

Thank you,
Posts: 15
Joined: Tue Aug 18, 2015 3:08 pm

Post by miltos »

Glad i helped!

Looking forward to the solution! :)
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