Need to purchase Pro; what is the status of FCP-X issues?

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Need to purchase Pro; what is the status of FCP-X issues?

Post by gavinmckenzie »

I need to purchase the Pro version to work magic on some short clips.

My preference would be to purchase the FCP-X plugin, but I understand there are some challenges with the .6 version of FCP-X -- which is the only version I have.

I do own CS6, and so I could use After Effects -- except that I have no prior experience using AE, and so I'd like to avoid learning AE just for de-noising a clip.

I see references in the forums to beta versions of the FCP-X plugin available from support.

So, my question is:
- What is the status of the FCP-X issues?
- How much risk is there that I'll buy the FCP-X plugin and run into the issues?
- If I buy the FCP-X plugin, can I easily get my hands on the beta with some of the fixes?
- If I buy the FCP-X plugin and run into show-stopper issues, can I cross-grade to the AE version of the plugin?
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Post by NVTeam »

The bugs (several of them) in FCPX 10.0.6 are still present, Apple is working on them. We have some partial workarounds that try to avoid the trouble spots but the workarounds may not always work. In some cases, they do not help and FCPX still manages to fail. No way to predict except to test directly. Please try the Demo. If you run into issues with FCPX with the Demo, try it with Motion 5 instead, Motion doesn't have those bugs. That could be a solution for now, because the plug-in is the same (one plug-in that works in FCPX and Motion), Motion works without problems now, FCPX will work later too, once Apple fixes it.

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Post by GregorQ »

Are some of the bugs fixed with 10.0.7?

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Joined: Thu Sep 01, 2005 4:12 pm

Post by NVTeam »

I do hope so.

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