MacBook Pro Retina with Nvidia 650M CUDA not working well

general questions about Neat Video
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MacBook Pro Retina with Nvidia 650M CUDA not working well

Post by RobinoJones »

Just got my new Retina MBP 2.7Ghz with GT 650M.

I installed Nvidia CUDA Driver Version: 4.2.10. I'm using After Effects CS6.

In Neat Video "preferences" / "performances" / The GPU is detected but only shows 33MB of available memory and when running a benchmark the terminal window shows a lot of memory errors.

Is this an After Effects issue, a driver issue or does Neat Video needs an update to be compatible with the new GPU? Would love to get this working.

See below for errors:

----- Neat Video error log -----
GPU error at GeForce GT 650M (0): Out of memory (2)
GPU failed to allocate the requested amount of memory.
Try to reduce the amount of used GPU memory in Preferences > Performance.
Continuing processing using CPU only...
GPU error at GeForce GT 650M (0): Out of memory (2)
GPU failed to allocate the requested amount of memory.
Try to reduce the amount of used GPU memory in Preferences > Performance.
GPU error at GeForce GT 650M (0): Out of memory (2)
GPU failed to allocate the requested amount of memory.
Try to reduce the amount of used GPU memory in Preferences > Performance.
Continuing processing using CPU only...
GPU error at GeForce GT 650M (0): Out of memory (2)
GPU failed to allocate the requested amount of memory.
Try to reduce the amount of used GPU memory in Preferences > Performance.
GPU error at GeForce GT 650M (0): Out of memory (2)
GPU failed to allocate the requested amount of memory.
Try to reduce the amount of used GPU memory in Preferences > Performance.
Continuing processing using CPU only...
GPU error at GeForce GT 650M (0): Out of memory (2)
GPU failed to allocate the requested amount of memory.
Try to reduce the amount of used GPU memory in Preferences > Performance.
GPU error at GeForce GT 650M (0): Out of memory (2)
GPU failed to allocate the requested amount of memory.
Try to reduce the amount of used GPU memory in Preferences > Performance.
Continuing processing using CPU only...
GPU error at GeForce GT 650M (0): Out of memory (2)
GPU failed to allocate the requested amount of memory.
Try to reduce the amount of used GPU memory in Preferences > Performance.
GPU error at GeForce GT 650M (0): Out of memory (2)
GPU failed to allocate the requested amount of memory.
Try to reduce the amount of used GPU memory in Preferences > Performance.
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Post by NVTeam »

Please try to restart AE, this may help to free up some memory.

Please also make a screenshot of the Performance tab in Neat Video Preferences.

Thank you,
Posts: 3
Joined: Mon Jun 18, 2012 12:05 am

Post by RobinoJones »

Here are screenshots and the GPU info from system preference.

With only After Effects opened Neat Video shows very little available memory. It seems to vary but it is always low. If I have photoshop opened as well, a "terminal" window appear with a GPU memory error and shows no available memory in Neat Video's Performance tab.

**EDIT: Restarting After Effects did not help, same issues after restarting.


NVIDIA GeForce GT 650M:

Chipset Model: NVIDIA GeForce GT 650M
Type: GPU
Bus: PCIe
PCIe Lane Width: x8
VRAM (Total): 1024 MB
Vendor: NVIDIA (0x10de)
Device ID: 0x0fd5
Revision ID: 0x00a2
ROM Revision: 3688
gMux Version: 3.2.19 [3.2.8]


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Post by NVTeam »

That is quite strange. Perhaps we should try to exclude AE completely for a test. That can be done by running NeatBench tool described in this topic. The tool will detect CUDA and try to use it. Because NeatBench does not require AE, we will find out whether there is enough available GPU RAM with AE closed. Could you run that tool, collect the log and send it to support [at] for analysis please? If NeatBench fails initially, please try to restart OSX and try again.

Thank you very much.

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Post by RobinoJones »

Thank you Vlad,

I just sent the logs to support [@]

Thanks for checking into this!
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Post by valleo »

Same issue on my side in Apple Motion (latest version and latest 5.x nVidia CUDA driver)...
Have the MBP Retina 2,6GHz and 16GB Ram
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Post by thelanj »

having the same issue on a Mac Pro 3.1 (2008) with GTX 285, Lion 10.7.4, and CS6 with all the updates and latest version of Premiere.

The tester ran fine, but the plugin errors out in Premiere.
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Post by NVTeam »

Please collect all the details, errors (starting from the first one), logs from Optimize and from NeatBench, make a screenshot of the Performance tab and e-mail all the collected items to support [at] for analysis.

Thank you,
Posts: 8
Joined: Sat May 10, 2014 7:36 am

Post by TheTrickster »

Sorry to open an old thread,

But did this issue ever get solved?

I didn't realise that I could install CUDA drivers on my mac to increase the performance of NeatVideo until today, so I duly went and got the latest version 6.5.46

I'm running a Retina i7 with the 650M card with OSX10.10, FXP 10.1.4 and NeatVideo3.6.1

However I get the same issue - it only reports 34MB of memory, the speed is faster on only the 4 CPU cores (1.25 frames/sec) and a minute ago the machine froze.

If it does work - what is the performance increases??

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Post by NVTeam »

Neat Video shows the amount of currently available GPU memory. Because FCPX itself also uses the GPU memory, the amount of currently available memory is significantly reduced. If the amount is as low as NN MB then it may already be insufficient for Neat Video to work. Neat Video may show error messages during processing when that happens. Also, the NVIDIA video driver may even lead to kernel panic in some versions of OSX.

I recommend to disable GPU in Neat Video and let it use the CPU only. This is more stable (for the reasons explained above). Also, the processing speed is about the same as with the GPU enabled (even if the amount of GPU memory is sufficient). That specific GPU is not really fast, so it cannot speed up Neat Video as compared with the CPU alone.

Hope this helps,

P.S. Here is a log from Optimize:
Frame: 1920x1080 progressive, 32 bits per channel, Radius: 1 frame
Running the test data set on up to 8 CPU cores and on up to 1 GPU
CPU only (1 core): 1.55 frames/sec
CPU only (2 cores): 3.05 frames/sec
CPU only (3 cores): 4.22 frames/sec
CPU only (4 cores): 5.03 frames/sec
CPU only (5 cores): 5.05 frames/sec
CPU only (6 cores): 4.98 frames/sec
CPU only (7 cores): 4.78 frames/sec
CPU only (8 cores): 4.65 frames/sec
GPU only (GeForce GT 650M): 2.34 frames/sec
CPU (1 core) and GPU (GeForce GT 650M): 2.17 frames/sec
CPU (2 cores) and GPU (GeForce GT 650M): 3.77 frames/sec
CPU (3 cores) and GPU (GeForce GT 650M): 4.9 frames/sec
CPU (4 cores) and GPU (GeForce GT 650M): 4.9 frames/sec
CPU (5 cores) and GPU (GeForce GT 650M): 4.85 frames/sec
CPU (6 cores) and GPU (GeForce GT 650M): 4.76 frames/sec
CPU (7 cores) and GPU (GeForce GT 650M): 4.63 frames/sec
CPU (8 cores) and GPU (GeForce GT 650M): 4.29 frames/sec

Best combination: CPU only (5 cores)
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