About to improve or add a pattern and lines removal too?

suggest a way to improve Neat Image
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About to improve or add a pattern and lines removal too?

Post by NeatOliver »

Hello! :)

I know that at least 5 or 6 people asked you this a long time ago on this forum already. 13 years ago(!) to be precise: how to remove patterns AND strong vertical and/or horizontal lines from scanned photographs. The problem remains the same, still today, sadly and strangely enough -- We do not have an option/algorithm to remove them, like the FFT(Fast Fourier) action for photoshop does in your plugin (but the result is random and sometimes blurry or not as we expected) or like the option that we have in NeatVideo, to detect and remove dust in the latest version.

It's quite difficult to find a way to remove them quickly without removing small important details or remove, paradoxically, grain on the photograph -- Don't get me wrong, we can almost remove them with the version 8.3.7 but it takes at least 10 or 20 minutes, even more, if you are a perfectionist like me. To be short... it's a pain in the butt, it takes too much time and the result is 75% of the time completely random, blurry, flat, or not so great because... let's be honest, it is really not precise enough for this kind of specific task -- It's like dust with NeatVideo, they aren't noise, but dust. Well, it's the same problem here with a scanned photograph: patterns and lines aren't noise, but patterns, lines, and nothing else.


Also, and this is a request: I really hope that you gonna make more video tutorials on your YouTube Channel! It would be really interesting and informative about the new features and most importantly: Tips! The video tutorials made by the English dude are just PERFECT (I'm sorry, I don't know his name) I love when he's taking his time to explain and show us tips and share with us important information, and how to use your powerful software/plugin and because... there is only ONE video about NeatImage for the moment.
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Re: About to improve or add a pattern and lines removal too?

Post by NVTeam »

Thank you for your suggestions and comments.

Some suggestions indeed take a longer time to consider and implement because we prioritize the development of new things based on the feedback we receive and on our own estimations of feasibility and efficiency of our possible solutions.

Regarding tutorials, I recommend to also watch those about Neat Video because many points are shared between two products, especially those related to profiling and spatial filter of Neat Video (which closely corresponds to the regular noise filter of Neat Image). Having said that, we do continue to work on new tutorials that will likely include tips for better use of the filters.

Thank you,
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